Game Design Cycle-
My game concept would begin with the documentation that i created on all the aspects of the game (gameplay, storyline ETC) and then the development of the game would begin. After the initial programming, the game would be tested to see how it plays (in it's basic looking form).
Changes would then be implemented in it's Alpha stage, work would begin on the script (if not already 100% complete) to be performed by voice actors and bugs/glitch in the code would be fixed that could effect the actual running of the game. Beta stage would then ensue, where the game would come together. The game would be tested for small glitches and should now be fully functional and close to how it would look graphically and feel gameplay-wise. When all development is finished (Gold Mater stage) the game would then be submitted for publishing and then advertisement would increase- with appearances at top games' conferences to gain publicity.
The game would then hit the shelves of retail stores and be sold online. It would also be ideal for the game to be downloaded digitally via Playstation Network, Xbox Live Arcade and Wii store. Advertising would also continue during this phase.
The life-cycle of the game would not end with it's release. Online multiplayer and features means that updates via patches and downloadable content would increase the popularity and shelf-life of the game. There must also be continued support for online players (such as customer services and a team dedicated to the development of downloadable content). The whole development of the project would only truly come full-circle when a sequel is planned and confirmed to be developed, as online features would slowly cease to be updated on the game as it's sequel would also feature online support.